You searched for: “most incognito
incognito (in" kahg NEE toh, in KAHG ni toh") (adjective), more incognito, most incognito
Referring to someone who uses a disguise or a false name in order to be unidentifiable: The people who came to Joe's Halloween Party were incognito guests because they dressed in strange costumes and face masks in order to conceal themselves from each other.
Unknown or in disguise.
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This entry is located in the following unit: cogni-, cogn-, cognosc- (page 2)
incognito (adverb), more incognito, most incognito
Characteristic of how someone acts or travels in disguise in order to be unrecognizable: The well-known actress often traveled incognito because she didn't want anyone asking for her autograph or trying to carry on a conversation with her.
In disguise, an assumed name.
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This entry is located in the following unit: cogni-, cogn-, cognosc- (page 2)